We created this website to offer you ideas, cheap and amazing solutions to travel around the world. Following us you will read travel reportages, advices from expert travellers and tourist news.
TravelGuide is hosting reviews and opinions about travel and holidays written by real travellers and journalists. Starting from Europe, with an eyes wide-open on Italy, we will reach with our words faraway places alla over the world.
Our intention is to offer not only guides and tips about locations but also to select the best apartments, campsites, holiday resorts, cruises, vacation homes and much more.
If you are looking for a dynamic space, where you can read and share information about holydays…then you have come in the right place.
Which sites are more suitable for children, which cities and periods are better to spend a honeymoon? How can you pass a nice weekend in a European capital without having to plan nothing? And where are the best bed & breakfast in Italy?
Speaking about travels is speaking about the culture of different countries. To be passionate about the history, discovering unexpected curiosity, keeping yourself up to date on the news, moving safely and avoiding ending up in dangerous places. Then flavours, smells, colours, kitchen news and reportage trips in which the soul of travellers shines. Because travelling is meeting, hospitality, cultural exchanges and the beginning of relationship between cultures.
With TravelGuide you will find routes, specialities, events, accommodations and much more.We will bring to you photos and videos, speaking about secrets and facilities places can offer. Follow us daily and welcome!
Image Flickr Creative Commons License courtesy by yeowatzup