Walk by the Christmas Market of Bolzano

bolzano christmas

At the Christmas Market in Bolzano the scents of mulled wine and cakes mix with the sounds of Christmas music in a concert like no other.

The entertainment on weekends and in the churches in WaltherSquare in Bolzano will be the strong point of the event: traditional music, horn, marching bands, storytellers and narrators of fairy tales.

During the Christmas market in Bolzano and many restaurants Jenesien offer a fixed price, their menu feature. The menus reveal the perfect admixture between typical Middle European cuisine and flavors of the Mediterranean tradition. Hotels in Bolzano and San Genesio propose solutions Tourist Market for the period of Christmas and New Year holidays great bargains.

Local artisans come out of their shops to bring the handicraft. A meeting place to find gift ideas and many ideas to decorate the house. You can find manufacturers of ceramics, wood carvers and the florists which provide creative and imaginative gift ideas Christmas items to decorate the house.

In the streets of the center of the Onlus Association propose their social projects and the sale of gifts, home decorations and great food. Bolzano associations operating in this area sell products of excellent quality craft to fund various projects such solidarity in the international arena.

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